Thank you for signing up to this

Financial Wellness for Teens 3 month course.

We are so pleased to let you know that the course is now available to start! Before you complete the sign up, we need you to fill out the onboarding form below.

The cost is £195 *

Once you complete the onboarding form, you will get access to the sign up page. Thank you!

  • *Applications for those on pupil premium are available upon request and will be reviewed individually based on predetermined conditions.

What they don't teach you at school about money!
This name will be used on the certificate and for the assessment report if for D of E
If this course is purchased as your D of E skills module, this information is required.
if this is for silver, please make sure the skills module of 3 months fits with your overall plan. Your physical section must be 6 months and then your skills can be 3.
I confirm that I want to receive content from this company using any contact information I provide.